Male Breast Cancer

Male breast cancer is rarely found, not even 1% of the total breast cancer cases are of men. Nevertheless, the occurring rate male breast cancer is less compared to women yet the disease have a lot in common for both.

The most occurring breast cancers or the major types of breast cancer are the same for men and women. Nearly 90% of the male breast cancers exist in the ducts or lobes. Out of these 90%, 75% are ductal carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma is the one that develops in the cells lining the milk ducts. Around 30% of the male breast cancers are lobular carcinoma found in both breasts. Lobular carcinoma is cancer that develops in the lobules.

Male Breast Cancer

Male Breast Cancer

Most of the male breast cancer cases are of IDC (invasive or infiltrating ductal carcinoma). This is a type of cancer that spreads outside of the duct and makes way into the surrounding tissues.

Male breast cancer that has not spread to other areas is called ‘In Situ’. ‘In Situ’ is rarely found in men. The course of In Situ and its treatment is dependant upon the starting spot of the cancer. According to the latest research, doctors recommend that DCIS which is ductal carcinoma in situ should be surgically removed in order to stop it from moving to other areas of the breast.

Male breast cancer usually develops in men over the age of 60. As in women it can occur at a young age too, men are thankfully away from it. However, as it is a known fact that breast cancer in women was not that common some centuries back and as the world modernized the percentage of breast grew rapidly. No such change has been observed in the rise or fall of male breast cancer but nevertheless it can happen therefore it is better to take the necessary precautions.

Article Source:’s-health-articles/male-breast-cancer-557717.html