Are you eating a Western Diet?

The diet of Man today is much different than that of ancient Man.
As a whole, we eat much more meat than did ancient Man, and we eat
different parts of the animal.

Virtually all meat we eat is striated muscle tissue, the type of
muscle in the arms or legs which does the running and heavy lifting.
But there are three types of muscle: striated, smooth, and cardiac.
Most people eat _no_ smooth or cardiac muscle in their diet.

Ancient Man ate not only all three types of muscle, but organ meats and
skin as well. Eating only striated muscle might make sense for an
athelete like a runner or weight lifter, but for the average person
this is a diet far different from that of your ancient ancestors.

In addition to eating whole animal meat, it is also important to
eat mature animal meat. Virtually all meat sold in supermarkets is
from young animals, only a year or two old. It costs too much money
to keep the animals alive until maturity. The flesh of these young
animals is packed with the hormones and enzymes of young growing
animals, which is great if you’re going to feed it to children,
but can be highly stressful to feed to an adult. Too many people
continue the eating habits they learned as children into adulthood,
where it causes many of the problems associated with middle-age.

But there is one meat which combines all three types of muscle tissue
plus various organs and is made from mature animals, retired dairy
cattle which have already given birth and produced life-giving milk.
This meat is bologna (pronounced ba-LO-ney), and is widely available
at fine delicatessens and meat markets.

Unfortunately, there is a conspiracy among the big drug companies
to suppress this information. They know they would be put out of
business tomorrow if everybody were eating bologna for health.

Just in posting this to the net, I’m taking a chance that they might
send out a hit man to kill me. So you’d better save a copy of this
file because you might never see it again!