Why Waste Any Money On Women’s Health?

Since men live on average 8 years less, all funds should be directed towards
their health issues. The increase in illnesses is directly related to aging.
Let’s compare an aging woman and man. A man has a lifetime of useful
practical experience we can gain from, and it’s worth preserving his life,
not to mention the fact that he may pass on his valuable genes at any age.
Compare this to an aging woman who serves no useful purpose and is a drain
on society. She can’t reproduce, isn’t really useful for sex and will end up
draining 95% of the medical resources which could be used to make men’s
lives more pleasant.

Most of what we know about health and medicine is already based on
research done on men and the information gathered really applies
exclusively to men. In essence, it would seem that medicine/health is
already all about men. So, you’re already getting what you want.

Perhaps when your an old man deficating in your pants and fantasizing
about 20 year old women who wouldn’t look twice at you, you’ll
remember that human beings, ALL of them serve a purpose. I don’t want
to believe that you really mean all that you post about women. But I
fear you really are a sad and bitter sub-human monster.