The HIV man

Although the man is HIV positive, he is too healthy to die and not sick
enough to need hospital care yet, hence he can still move about, find a job,
make a living and do something before his condition becomes worse.

1. CDC discharged him because being HIV positive or getting AIDS is not a
contagious disease, like TB or Nipah virus, unless you indulge in unsafe sex
or unhealthy practice.
2. Welfare home would not take him because he is still young and an able
body man and can still work, his condition has not worsen yet. He is not
qualified for welfare.
3. Hospices are for people who will die soon, such as later stage cancer
patients or full blown AIDS patients. This man’s condition has not
deteriorate to such an extend that qualify him for hospices care.
4. Halfway house is for recovering drug addicts and he is not a drug
addicts. Getting AIDS will not qualify him for half-way house.
5. HDB rejected him not because of AIDS, but other factors such as CPF
funds, income level, single or married, etc, etc. HDB don’t care if you’ve
AIDS or cancer or TB and only worried if you can service your monthly
mortgage payment.
6. His family did not reject him but he decided to reject his family.

The newspaper should distinguish actual facts from false comments. In US,
some HIV positive men live and work for more than 10 years before full blown
AIDS finally killed them, hence being HIV positive doesn’t mean he will die
immediately. If you look for a job and kept quiet about your condition, you
think employers will find out ?

To qualify for MCDS assistance, unless you’re disable or mentally unfit to
get a job, this man will probably not qualify unless his condition does not
allow him to work. What MCDS said he must be ‘medically certified unfit’ to
seek assistance is quite correct.

IMHO, this HIV Man is just plain lazy. AIDS sufferers like that Chew fellow
like to impose their suffering on society and claim it is societies’ fault
that they get discriminated, but whose fault is it when they tested HIV
positive, theirs or society ? Society do not give them AIDS and don’t own
them anything. So don’t always claim to be a victim.

How can you say this callous remark? It *IS* society’s fault that HIV
sufferers are discriminated. People With HIV are being shunned by society.
Sufferers of HIV have found themselves shunned by family, friends and even
their workplace. And because of that, they lose their income, their means of
survival. Society owes them a job, a means to continue living despite having
contracting HIV.

And please don’t tell me “Oh its their fault they have got HIV or AIDS”.
Well let me tell you something. You never know when you’re gonna get it even
though you’re married and faithful. Because:
1. People are infallable. You might think “Oh no I am sitting on my moral
high horse I won’t get it”. Wait till one day when situation permits the
temptations become too hard to bear. Anybody can fall for it. So don’t be
too quick to judge.
2. Even if you are faithful, your spouse might not.