Male Health Center In Toronto

I’ve been visiting Dr. Kaploun at the Male Health Clinic in Toronto for the
past 6 weeks. Yes, he claims an 85% success rate and I must say I was
skeptical. After seeing him for the past few weeks and getting prostate
drainage about once a week, I can tell you I feel about 75% better. Before I
saw him, I was really hurting. I had sharp pains shooting through my
penis–really horrible symptoms. What he did was drain my prostate and take
a sample of fluid from the prostate along with a sample of my urine. He
didnt find any bacteria in the urine but he found puss cells in the prostate
fluid. He put me on an antibiotic type drug for 2 weeks while doing the
drainage once per week. At the same time, he prescribed a rectal

The suppository has really helped. I dont take it everyday–only when I need
to. So far, I feel like I have my life back. I’m not expecting a total cure
because thats not what Kaploun promises. I just expect to get the CP under
control and be able to live without the horrible pain I was in. Who knows,
maybe I’ll have a relapse, but so far so good. BTW, right now I’m not taking
any ABX. I’m just doing the drainage and taking Saw Palmetto, Pygeum and
drinking Uva Ursi tea, which is supposed to be even better than Red Bush for
the prostate. I also drink tons of water to flush out my system.

I’d like to make one other comment directed toward Rhemium. You’re a veteran
of this group and I respect you but I’d just like to know what recent
studies slammed this type of protocol and who were they done by? Have you
ever tried prostate drainage? I’ve heard of of a lot of success with this
treatment and so far, its working for me. You seem to just tell people to
take Quercetin like theres nothing else that can be done for them. I think
there can be other successful options for people with CP. I know one thing,
I certainly wont be going to some clinic in Italy like the one suggested by
MiamiShyGuy nor doing anything that chap suggests!