Asian American Health issues

The following website on Asian American Health Issues

says that the following four health issues are important
to asian american ….

Osteoporosis – loss of bone mass and the decline of bone
quality. Major health problems caused by the loss of bone
density and quality are bone fractures, spinal deformities,
back pain, and loss of height.

Hypothyroidoism – the underproduction or ineffective use
of thyroid hormones to regulate metabolic activities
of the body. Major health problems cause by this
hormonal imbalance are fatigue, weight gain, constipation,
hoareness, dry skin, swelling around the eyes,
enlarged tongue. It is associated with diabetes,
Addison’s disease, pernicious anemia, vitiligo.

Cholecystitis – inflammation of the gall bladder
major health problems that are cause by problems
with the gall bladder are Gallstones, Chrohn’s
or Ulcerative Colitis.

Thalassemia – a inherited blood disorder inwhich
red blood cells cannot produce enough hemoglobin.
Alpha Thalessemia causes stillbirth or newborn
deaths and other maternal problems.
Beta Thalassemia ( Cooley’s Anemia ) symptoms
appears after the first three months of a baby’s
life. It causes poor appetite, irritablity, pale
skin, and stunted growth. A person’s blood can
be tested to see if they have a Thalassemia
genetic trait it is more prevalent in Southeast