Are nutritional supplements necessary to ensure health?

Have you ever thought that the reason there are so many
physical problems in the people of this nation is the lack of
proper nutrition?

If you have you are asking the right question.

If you think you can eat your way to health you are right but
here is a problem.

The nutritional value of the food we eat is not as high as it
used to be due to farming techniques and the need for the
farmer to always produce the same crops because that’s
where he gets the best return.

This is not bad, but it does deplete the land and therefore
the food we eat has less of the vitamins and minerals present
that would be there with proper crop rotation.

True, nutritional supplements are necessary. But buying the right
supplements is the key. Fortunatley, there is an easy way to figure out
which vitamins you need. There’s an article at
featuring a company that does a urine test to determine the correct
formulation of vitamin supplement for your own body’s needs. The test is
quick and easy. They also provide a urine test that assists in formulating
a weight management program. You can also find this available at

It is hard to get enough of some vitamins (noteably vitamin E and
many of the B vitamins), even if you eat a very healthy diet every
single day. I know, because I eat a very healthy, high-fiber, fruit,
whole-grain, and vegtable-based diet and I am still deficient,
mainly in the B’s. And so I supplement with a high-quality multi-vitamin
and mineral supplement (just one capsule a day, not a fistful of stuff).

It’s economical and I am certain that I am getting all I need. I think
a lot of doctors are reluctant to recommend supplements for this reason:
A lot of people take vitamins as a SUBSTITUTE for a healthy diet. But
that is very poor logic. Vitamins are meant to SUPPLEMENT an already
healthy and nutritious diet.

A lot of people will tell you that if you eat a healthy, natural, well-
rounded diet that you don’t need a supplement. I used to be the person
who shouted this mantra the loudest. That is, until I became deficient.
Now I know better.

In my Health Program the easiest thing you can do to improve your health is
take supplements, it is also the least effective thing you can do. And, of
course, I am referring to health maintenance. Supplements can be very
effective in treating temporary health conditions.

Next, Exercising is slightly harder do, and it provides even better health
results. It is fairly easy to implement, because it takes only X minutes a
week. And, once it is over for the day, it is over. However, many people
find exercising at a high enough intensity a mentally difficult thing to

In the middle of difficulty and effectiveness is eating a healthy diet. It
is both time consuming and requires making appropriate dietary decisions
every moment of your life.

Near the top of difficulty is improving your ATTITUDE department. To become
a centenarian you will virtually have to redefine who you are. It
extremely difficult and extremely effective in promoting a long life. This
is how people with a lousy diet and lousy habits like smoking make it to the
age of 100.

The hardest department to work on is RESILIENCE. Resilience is
operationally implementing perfect health in your Mind, Body, and Spirit
every minute of your existence. It requires a high degree of success in all
the areas of the above areas. It requires a high degree of control over
every aspect of your life.

Natural Health Advocate of pro-active approaches to preventing Diseases of
Civilization, promoting Optimum Health, and Longevity through moderation and
balance in five areas: Diet, Nutritional Supplements, Exercise, Attitude,
and Resilience. The primary causes of ill health are faulty living habits. A
proper lifestyle with patience will prevent, or correct, all Nutritional
Deficiencies and Health Conditions.